Sweet and petite, but top-quality and sure to show your appreciation and love, this bouquet of peach, pink, red and white shades says everything you need it to say. Wrapped in matching tissue paper and brown paper and tied with a ribbon.
A note: flower varieties may change as the seasons do, and are subject to the whims of nature. While we can’t accommodate specific flower requests, we will always provide gorgeous, seasonal flowers and colors in the style, size and design you've selected.
Valentine's Day Small Wrapped Bouquet
Delivery: Delivery is $15 within a 15 mile radius of Warrenton, VA. Just enter your flowers' destination in the "Shipping Details" page during your checkout process.
LOCAL PICKUP OPTION: Use code FREEPICKUP waive the delivery fee and pick up your order directly from Deja Vu on Main Street in Warrenton on Valentine's Day.